If you find a bug or a detail that is off or wrong, please write a comment so I know to fix it. This is an IXEG texture mapping limitation and cannot be fixed. Tail 598 is missing "Canadian North" on both engines. Tail 598 has extensive warping and resolution issues with Argonauts and Red Blacks logos. These liveries have a blue antenna at the nose. These liveries suffer from severe warping and texture cutting. This is the result of IXEG texture mapping limitations and cannot be fixed. These liveries do not include custom wings. This is an IXEG texture mapping limitation and cannot be fixed.Īft door frames are painted solid blue. Underwing registrations are not included. This pack includes tail 598 (Canadian North CFL special) but does not include tail 599 (Canadian North Celebrity Cruises).
If you notice an airline fleet adjustment, please let me know so I can update this pack. Aircraft will not be proactively updated as the real aircraft are repainted/retired. This pack depicts all aircraft as they are as of November 2020. => Q&A Layout turns your forum to a powerful question and answer discussion board.Here's the Canadian North 737-300 fleet paint for the 737-300 by IXEG. => Simplified layout looks simple and clean. => Threaded layout turns your forum to a threads list accented on discussion tree view. => Extended layout displays one level deeper information in advance. You have been mentioned in a post on "" by. => You have been mentioned in forum post To reset your password, visit the following address:
If this was a mistake, or you didn't ask for a password reset, just ignore this email and nothing will happen. You asked us to reset your password for your account using the email address. To set your password, visit the following address: Options and Features permastruct: community Get this airliner for X-Plane 10.50+ Mac/Windows/Linux 32/64bit (latest version is 5.4) and X-Plane 11 (version 6.2, released November 1st 2021) from our website and enjoy a very realistic flight experience.
#X PLANE 10 737 FREE#
Changed all script files to automatically recognize which X-Plane version they run in x737project version 6 is a popular free sophisticated simulation of the world's safest and most successful narrowbody airliner Boeing 737NG.Minor fixes and additions to 3D model and texturing.Cockpit door now operable and opens from both sides.Added a lit cabin at night that dims for takeoff and landing.Reduced flashing rate of cockpit warning lights in X-Plane 11.Improved weather radar in X-Plane 11 version (no more erasing on sweeps).Flightmodel & aerodynamics recalibrated for X-Plane 11 changes.Increased light strength for cockpit lights in X-Plane 11.Added cockpit reflective surfaces for X-Plane 11.Liveries updated for nicer X-Plane 11 look.Added material properties to outside of aircraft for X-Plane 11.Re-enabled IXEG pushback system being able to turn in X-Plane 10.Utilizes new X-Plane 11 features like ground vehilcle attachment points, thumbnails for aircraft selection, better categorization in X_-Plane 11’s user interface.X-Plane 11 compatitibility issues fixed (APU works, engine RPM).